Wednesday, July 14, 2010

LamPi=Lambat Pick Up

Hi !.

i met someone today. i mean yesterday and today. At first he smiled at me and I took 10 seconds to process that situation.

Who is he?

Why is he smiling at me?

Do I know him?

Where did I met him before?

Did he said something?....

... with my kening bercamtum, I dont get iT!.

okay. a clue!

Where am I? : cafe.

What is he wearing: erm. kain pelikat+shirt.

What does he look like?: a guy, happy, smiling, not so tall not so thin. so so..


Again, where are you exactly?: UTP! duh~

Now after 10 seconds.. I get it, he is my student. of cos he is my student. Im in UTP for god sake.

11 seconds has already passed, he still smiling. okay young guy. i already know you. you may leave.

30 seconds...

Wait a second..I remembered HIM!

there was a time in class where he 'tembak' me with a question where I dont have the answer and and i was panicking and and I dont know if he dont understand my teaching or what or or am I confusing him or what.. I DONT KNOW.. since then he just smiled.. =__=

It took 40 seconds to know why is he smiling.


  1. errkkk sapakah dia , akak???
    dah balik utp??

  2. alamak. name die lupe nak tanye.die suke dok blkg time class. due kali jupe akak xckp pape pon ngn die. sbb die asik senyum je. lempang kang! hihi :P
